True Story Of A Zombie

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        Some say that the story, surrounding a zombie originally came from Haiti. Researchers who study the culture of Haiti find a lot of folklore associated with the story about the corpse revived by the bowl or voodoo priest. Undead was then employed as a slave who served on the employer at a remote plantation. The trick with the "catch" ti bon ange or part of the soul that is connected directly with individuals to be created into a zombie.
        In the ritual of zombie, the zombie bowl using a powder made from a mixture of growing plants and animal such as fugu fish, frog, and zombie cucumber. Reportedly, the congregation live in a state did not realize this really is not that dangerous, unless their senses!
           There was shocking news about this zombie. In 1981, a guy named Clairvius Narcisse suddenly appeared and said that he was changed to be zombie by the bowl. Narcisse in fact already dead in the hospital on 1962 May 2, case is then triggered the holding Zombie Project. This project examines the origin zombies in Haiti by ethnobotanist named Dr. Wade Davis.


KanigyaKadiso said...

It's really scared...
A lot of bloods, red eye, very white skin. I can't imagine if those zombies are really real. We will always ni nightmare....

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