Strigoi, Zombie in Romania

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            This zombie on Romania was confident original from rhe corpse who to rise from grave and discribed has red hair, blue eye, and also has two hearts. According the mythology, the people who dead can be Strigoi if never married before. To avoid the corpse can to rise again, this corpse have to married with people has a same age who not married yet.
            If a cat walk to overstep the corpse, the corpse was confident will be Strigoi later. To avoid the corpse change to zombie, then Romania society will to bury a bottle of grape near with the cemetery where the corpse was graved. After six weeks, they come back to take that bottle and drink its grape together. Everyone who drink that grape was believed will escaped from Strigoi attack.
            Romania society usually pierce some needle to the corpse body, put a canddle, little money or towel in the copse hand with the purpose in order that the corpse does not rise again. Garlic which arranged to shape the circle also confident able to drive away Strigoi.


megaraptor97 said...

This species don't represent a serious menace. A much powerfull zombie from the same region is the kukukaidja,a draugar-like rampanging monster who deleits with the blood of priests, farmers, and monks.

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